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» »Unlabelled » Researchers found the ‘right’ amount of time to date before getting married — and it’s not as long as you’d think

– A study found that waiting a bit to get married can decrease the likelihood you’ll get divorced. – Specifically, waiting three years or more decreases the likelihood of divorce by 50%.– But there’s no one-size-fits-all amount of time — couples who waited until they knew each other “very well” had the same outcome. 

When it comes to finding the “right time” to marry your partner, people often  go off of instinct and romance. But researchers have found that waiting a certain amount of time to get married may actually increase your likelihood of staying together forever.

Researchers at Emory University surveyed more than 3,000 currently or previously married people about various aspects about their weddings and marriages in general. The study found lots of interesting information, but one of the biggest was the correlation between the length of the dating period and how long the marriage lasted.

When compared against couples who’d dated for one year, couples who dated one to two years had about a 20% lower chance of divorcing. When those couples were compared to those who dated for three or more years, likelihood of divorce for the couples who had been dating longer decreased by about 50%.

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